Sunday, June 28, 2009

What is the fastest way to clean my urinary system of toxins of marajuna?

fastest way to clean your urinary system of marajuna toxins
The toxins are stored in your fat cells, plain and simple. There is no safe or healthy way to rid your entire body of the chemicals quickly.If you're reasonably fit and an occasional smoker, it'll probably take about a week to clear the toxins.If you're obese and/or a heavy user, it could take a hard month to have clean urine.Some things I've read suggest you can speed up the processes by exercising a lot and drinking a ton of water.
you can't. and if you could then police wouldn't do the test they do. it only goes away in time.
Sweat it out of you while you are waiting in line to pee in the bottle. Get off the weed!
ONE shot of vinegar [Any more and it'll show up]
Anything that will make you pee alot [Apple juice, water]
Or just get one of those kits from the drug store.
drink a quart of vinegar right away. also Niacin pills- take more than a few and drink lots of water
stop smokin it
first of all, smoke on man. f*ck the "man" and his bullsh*it rules. second, go to your local head shop and get system cleaner. you have to use it right or it wont work. good luck.
got o your local health food store. they can point you in the right direction
by not smoking it.
my girlfriend is a psychotherapist and she has to order blood tests all the time and she says that thc will stay in the blood as a marker for a minimum of 30 days no matter what you do save going on dialasis every day.

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