Sunday, July 26, 2009

What is the medical uses of vinegar?

there are numerous uses for vinegar, especially raw unpastuerized apple cider vinegar. because it has not been heated, in maintains the wealth of vitamins, nutrients that are so beneficial. rather than try to list them, i will provide you with several websites. i, myself, drink a mixture containing apple cider vinegar several times daily. aids in digestion, detoxifies the body, clears acne, tones the skin, aids in clearing mucus during a cold, it is truley amazing stuff. i always say, if you cant fix it with acv, cinnamon and honey will do it..
good luck
There are so many. People with acid reflex can drink a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach %26 can eat foods as tolerated throughout the day. The vinegar provides the acidity the stomach needs when eating eating more foods containing acidity. My d-in-law just tryed it %26 it worked for her all last week. my mother used to put vinegar on a towel to stop our fever!
Vinegar makes a good cleansing douche when you have a yeast infection.
There are a lot of folk medicine uses for vinegar, but the established medical community doesn't use it except to sanitize things. It's mainly used to kill germs in respiratory equipment. Steamers and nebulizers are two machines that I've used vinegar to sanitize when I was still working as a nurse. Vinegar will kill a lot of things so we used it in water to soak parts for nebulizers and we taught patients to clean the equipment at home this way. We'd soak the parts to be cleaned in water with white vinegar added, then rinse it with plain water. You wouldn't want to use bleach or another strong germ killer because any traces could do the patient harm when they breath through the cleaned equipment. The vinegar was rinsed off, but any trace amounts were harmless.
Hey Lois D ,I had a fingernail ripped off and the doctor recommended soaking my fingernail in a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and water. Really helped to heal it and stop the pain. I thought the vineger would burn but it didn't

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