Sunday, July 26, 2009

What is the most effective way to remove ear wax, i like using ear candles but is there something better?

Hydrogen peroxide will dissolve the wax. You can either put a capful in your ear, and keep your head tilted for a few minutes. Or you can dip a q-tip into the peroxide and then insert it into your ear.Either way, you'll hear some weird popping and sizzling sounds while the peroxide does its job.
I've got a Q-tip addiction (my husband calls them my ear-gasms), and it causes wax to get impacted in my ear and cause a lot of pain and discomfort. So I got drops from Target instead - Similisan Ear Wax Relief. It "removes ear wax, cleans ear, reduces chronic ear wax congestion." It was about 3 or 4 dollars. It feels gross and your ears will be draining for about half an hour, but it does work. Whenever Q-tips start to irritate my ear, I'll use the drops for a day or two until it's relieved. Then I go back to Q-tips. If you do use the swabs, it's really important not to stick them too far into your ear, because that's what causes all the problems in the first place.
I wouldn't trust ear candles, no way. My doctor recomended "Debrox" earwax removal aid. I got it at Wal*Mart, cheaper than other stores. It comes in a yellow %26 green box. It's safe, gentle %26 non irritating. It cleanses with microfoam action. It really does work.
Go to your doctor and have him flush your ear out with water. It's probably the safest, healthiest way.
Ear candles are the best! My friend has an ear condition that causes near-deafness when the wax gets backed up. The doctor flushes them out and the problem comes back in a matter of 2-4 weeks. Ear candles work better, last longer and don't hurt like it does at the doctor.Don't forget that ears produce wax for a reason. No need to get rid of it unless it is causing problems. A q-tip on the outer part of the ear is all that most people need. Although I can relate to "eargasms" because I love my q-tips!
There are ear-cleaning kit things. I just know what they look like out of the box; a blue rubber bulb thing. If you use Q-tips, do NOT stick them in your ear canal. You can gently probe a little bit in, but if you shove them in there you can do a lot of damage. You can push earwax further in and cause a lot of pain. You could also damage or rupture your eardrum.Some earwax is normal and good. We wouldn't secrete it otherwise. Clean out whatever gets to the outside of your ear and poke around the entrance of the ear canal with the tip of a Q-tip. Do it after a shower so it's soft and comes easily. Don't probe too much.
If you have a severe buildup of earwax (called a plug), the best way to get them out is with your doctor...the doctor should be routinely checking for this during your annual exam and will take it out easily and safely.
Once the plug is out, you can maintain a clear ear canal by using those bamboo or metal earwax picks found in Asian stores (Japanese mainly)...but exercise caution and don't go too deep. In theory, once your plug is out, the ear should be able to push excess ear wax out on its own over time. It usually gets caked and stuck if your ear is moist a lot (like from swimming). If you do swim a lot, consider getting some (manufactured) ear plugs to keep the water out.
Q-tips are not very helpful...though they might clean superficially, they tend to pack some earwax in, eventually causing the formation of a new plug.
Drops are okay, but only for mild earwax buildup...they are not that effective on plugs. Drops can be painful if they do not rinse out after application (the can form gas pressure in your inner ear, causing a massive headache for a few hours.)
Is there something better? YES.
ANYTHING is better than ear candles.
Ear candles don't work and are a hoax.
My doctor recommended olive oil for my children who lose their hearing due to ear wax build up. It is an herbal remedy. You fill the ear at bedtime once a week and put a cotton ball to hold it in. It softens the wax over night and the next morning you will see wax on the cotton ball. I do this every Sunday night with my children ranging in age from 1-11. It works great for them. I have never heard of ear candles, but this is what we use.

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