Sunday, July 26, 2009

What is the underpinning philosophies of Orthodox medicine and Complementary medicine?

Are there any relationships between Orthodox medicine and Complementary medicine?
I would HOPE that the underpinning philosophies are to do the patient no harm! Certainly, conventional medical practitioner take the Hippocratic oath which mentions this. However - is it truely practiced when EVERY drug prescribed has a big potential to harm because EVERY drug has side effects?
In my field which is Homoeopathy, the main underpinning philosphy is "The physician's highest and only calling is to make the sick healthy, to cure. The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health . in the shortest, most reliable and least disadvantageous way" (Hahnemann). As can be seen from this in comparison to the orthodox philosphy, the emphasis is on the restoration of health without harm, rather than removal (or suppression) of disease symptoms in isolation.
Hahnemann goes on to say that the homoeopath must realise what is to be cured in diseases (and this isn't just about removing symptoms - it's about treating the CAUSE).
They couldn't be further apart.
The fact that you call it Complementary instead of Alternative says a lot of how you see non-orthodox medicine in the first place.
As an individual i have no autonomy over my body within the parameters of orthodox medicine. I am responsible for the 'state' of my body from an Alternative medicine viewpoint.
The Hippocratic Oath states: "To practice and prescribe to the best of my ability for the good of my patients, and to try to avoid harming them. This beneficial intention is the purpose of the physician."
THEY decide what is for the good of the patient. And if the patient don't agree, there always the DSM. Makes me laugh now. An Alternative practitioner might actually refuse to treat someone who refuses to corporate with their treatment. No point in wasting two people's time really.
I don't use orthodox medicine. So when i take aspirin for a quick fix or visit an A%26E unit because my daughter broke a bone, i consider that complementary treatments. :-)
There are really 3 different types of treatment here. Orthodox medicine we are all familiar with. Basically the treatment of symptoms until, hopefully, the cause goes away. This is done primarily with pharmaceutical drugs prescribed by a medical doctor.Alternative medicine treats the cause of the illness with herbs, homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy, acupuncture, etc. By treating the cause, the symptoms disappear as the illness subsides.Complementary medicine is used in conjunction with traditional medicine. This might be in situations such a terminal diseases or debilitating illness. The purpose of complementary medicine is to assist the ill person with therapies that can make their medications perform better or supplement the patient with alternative methods of treatment that may ease their symptoms and possibly treat the disease with natural therapies.

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