Sunday, July 26, 2009

What lowers blood pressure without medicines?

You can definitely use the dash diet. Look at the attached link and it tells you everything from what it is suppose to do and what you have to do to ensure it works.
Yoga, other exercise.
avoiding stressful situations
watching salt/sodium intake.
Cut salt in diet and lose a few pounds
Losing weight helps lower blood pressure
DASH diet-- please look this up- its an over plan that cuts sodium and increases minerals that naturally cut BP. BiofeedbackExercisewith age BP increases and sometimes you need the BP meds.
Garlic, execise , a better diet like less salt and fatty foods and meditation. PLEASE SEE A DOCTOR TOO.
reduce salt and sodium limit your alcohol intake stop smoking potassium lowers blood pressure so eat bananas, apricots, oranges pears and stuff like that
If you want to try to lower your blood pressure without medication, try dieting. Eating good foods, and not junk foods or alot of fast foods. i do not know your weight or body build, but if you are over weight any, losing weight will do it also. I was once 385 lbs. and not only did I have to take BP medication, but was also a full blown diabetic and had to take meds for that too. I have since dropped over 160 lbs and no longer have to take anything for these! I eat what I want and when I want. But I have never been of a junk food person. So, diet and exercise is definitely the route to take in order to avoid meds. But sometimes these do not work and you may still have to take the meds.
stroking cats
A well balanced diet and exercise plus keeping weight down. Not having stress in your life is also a big asset.
low salt diet, cranberry juice, stress free life, exercise.
Increase fiber and B vitamins in your diet, decrease intake of caffiene, salt and saturated fats (fats that are solid at room tempurature) Get moderate excersize by walking at leart 30 minutes a day.
Hi Stephen, if you already have high blood pressure, you cannot reverse it to low permanently. Instead, you can control your high blood pressure by taking a prescribed medication and amending your diet. Research has shown that a high blood pressure diet can effectively prevent blood pressure from rising above normal.High blood pressure diets are designed to decrease sodium, increase potassium, and lessen calories. This way you will maintain a reasonable weight. This diet consists of foods that are delicious and low in fat such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and lean proteins.Here are some simple tips to help you follow your high blood pressure diet guidelines:1. Make sure you eat a healthy breakfast. Eating in the morning will increase your energy and will help you avoid snacks before lunch. A quick breakfast can be as easy as a bowl of cereal, a slice of whole-wheat toast, cereal bar or fresh fruit.2. When following your high blood pressure diet, your daily food intake must include foods from five food groups:* Protein: Eat meats that are lower in fat, such as chicken, turkey, tuna, or low-fat luncheon meats. Make salads with a low fat meat or vegetables and light salad dressing. * Grains: Always try eating a whole wheat version of your favorite bread, be it a loaf, a bagel or a roll. * Vegetables: Eat tomatoes, peppers, baby carrots and other colorful vegetables as many as you like. The brighter the vegetable, the more antioxidant vitamin A it contains. * Fruits: Fruits should be eaten fresh. Fruit has fiber and healthy calories, and you will want to eat less during the day. Juice has fructose which fills up with energy. That鈥檚 why juice should become a part of a healthy breakfast along with a cereal. * Dairy: Try low-fat or non-fat milk, non-fat chocolate milk, and low-fat cheese. Basically, any type of cottage cheese or yogurt goes well with fruit. 3. And Aerobic physical exercise of 30-40 min, daily or at least 3-4 days per week.
Jason Homan
Sorry you are so distressed - but you can easily lower your blood pressure with homoeopathy. You will need to consult with a registered practitioner - it's not something you can treat yourself. Go to to find a local therapist who WILL be able to help you. I treat at least 5 cases a week %26 it's rare that we don't make significant improvements within a couple of treatments. No nasty side effects %26 tablets for life - just a nice gentle cure.
pommegranite juice, cranberry juice, no salt and excercise innocet smoothies do a good smoothie as well it is the detox one with blue berries and pommigranites but most of all find an hour for your self every day to chill and lett every ting pass you by
I had this problem and managed to lower it w/o any medicationDon't smoke cigarettes or use any tobacco product
Limit your sodium, alcohol and caffeine intake.
Lose weight if you're overweight.
Drink Lemon/Grapefruit Juice every morning
Exercise regularly.
Healthy Food, Veggies, Fruits
Less Stress / Use Relaxation methods like YogaGood LuckTroy

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