Sunday, July 26, 2009

What is the natural equal of ritalin?

I do not know if one exists. However, when my son was diagnosed, I learned that the ADD- ADHD brain responds to caffiene in the opposite way ours do. Doses of caffiene (without sugar, of course) throughout the day may help slow the brain activity.
i'll give you a hint. it's a plant and it's not exactly legal. true. ;)
Ritalin has pharmacological action very similar to cocaine. Both act as dopamine reuptake inhibitors, which basically keep our pleasure chemicals swimming around longer.
The 'Natural' treatment for ADD or ADHD is to 'find and fix the CAUSE' of the problem. These disorders can be caused by a variety of things, such as:1) essential fatty acid imbalances in the diet2) vitamin/mineral deficiencies in the diet3) heavy metal toxicities (e.g. lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, etc.)4) intestinal dysbiosis (an imbalance in the normal bacteria living in the gut, usually caused by the use of antibiotics)5) a variety of other 'gut' related issues, such as, Leaky Gut Syndrome (caused by drugs such as Advil and Motrin, as well as many others), Celiac Disease, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, etc.6) food allergies/intolerances7) chemical sensitivitiesYou will need to find a 'real' doctor to help you find the real cause of this condition. Then, 'natural' treatment can be focused on the cause.Best wishes and good luck.
I don't know the equivalent but I do know of something that is all natural that can help with ADD.
It is through the use of magnets. There is a great company based out of Japan who has unbelievable products using magnetic therapy. They have a sleep system with the magnetics in the mattress,pillow and comforter. There was a young high school student who was prescribed ritalin to help control his behavior and focus on school. His mother said no and did her research on these products. After a few weeks of sleeping on the bed he was working steadily with no breaks or naps. check out let me know if you have any questions I would love to help.
cannabis, ginseng, kavakava and a Bcomplex vitamin supplement. and try a detox program, too.
There is a company out there that makes alternative meds...they follow FDA guidelines by not making claims but they are patented and work! My husband started their vitamins and recently was taken off his meds for high called and wanted to know what he was taking because they thought it was a miracle...not only did the bad go down, the good came way up!! He was going in every 6 mos for liver panels to make sure the statin drug wasn't hurting him! Doc said keep up what he was doing and now he's a believer in these side affects and cheaper than any GNC out there...Let me know if you want the number to listen about what this store offers...They have some stuff for kids too but they have some combos for ADHD and ADD...did you know that there are some studies coming out saying that we may be actually causing our kids these problems from the chemicals we use in our homes everyday?? And that shampoos and soaps have these chemicals in them? Yeah we only buy from this store now...all the products are toxic too! I would do some research on it and I have some links if you want to study it kids has asthma...that's why we started looking for alternatives.
Natural equal??!! Try a colour free, preservative free diet for a start! Then try an elimination diet, go to RPA allergy clinic in Sydney they'll tell you how to do it. People can be intolerant to foods, even natural foods, their bodies are not able to breakdown the natural occurring proteins and chemicals that occur naturally in food such as salicylates, amines and glutamate. My son is autistic and hyperactive and is on a strict gluten, dairy, preservative, and colour free diet. His behaviour is much more manageable when he is on this diet, he sleeps properly, eats well, is calm and copes with life so much better. But look out if he gets anyone of those things. He becomes feral and unwell. His bowels play up and he gets sick .

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