Sunday, July 26, 2009

What otc (over the counter) drugs can i use to help dilute my urine?

Drink more water.
water! why on earth would you look for a drug to do this?
uuumm... it all depends on why you need to dilute your urine. The best and cheapest way is to drink LOADS of water. Especially if it due to a kidney problem, that is the key. If you have prostate problems, and need help passing urine, you need to see your doctor. You can also try some natural remedies for you prostate health. (that is if you are a guy! Im not too sure!) go to and look up prostate health.
Why are you asking this? So you can try and pass a drug screen? If that is why then why not just stop doing drugs and then you wouldnt have to try and dilute your urine.. Sounds logical to me.. Give it some thought!!

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