Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why are we now flocking to doctors for Preventative treatment when we as a consumer hold all the cards?

I am currently experienceing this. When do I cut these folks off %26 say enough is enough!!
When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.Or when you live long enough to discover that you are responsible for saving your own life.Or you were educated that there is no known medical cure for anything.Or when the student is ready the teacher will appear.http://www.glycostory.com/mannalive...
May be they follow the maxim - Prevention is better than cure.
I always ask myself is preventing with a coctail of untested trial medicatoions really preventive? While you are at the doctor educate him or her about your alternative treatment that you are very knowlegable about. Show them documentation. Doctors only know what they learn in school and I have found out that they are not extensively trained in pharmocology. And after school they know what the sales people tell them. So it is your job to educate your doctor. I have found though that there are doctors that will not hear of such non-sense. If this is the case, you should re-evualuate their judgement. If they are out for your best interest, then the least that they could do is check something out or listen to your testimony.
We've been conditioned to believe everything a doctor tells us. In the past, people used herbs and home remedies to successfully treat minor problems. We've gotten away from that now. In Europe doctors prescribe herbal remedies instead of drugs. And in many third world countries, herbs are still used as a matter of course. You go to the local healer instead of the doctor.It's a matter of educating yourself and taking responsibility for yourself. If you are experiencing a certain condition, research it online. There's a wealth of information out there! For example, I learned about using natural progesterone cream when I went through menopause. I bought it online, and used it for several years until the symptoms were gone. And I never went to a doctor about it.Medical practitioners in this country hate that kind of thing. They say we're self-diagnosing and self-treating ourselves. They think it's dangerous. I suppose it could be if you don't use common sense. I think some of the problem is that the drug companies give so many freebies to doctors if they prescribe the drugs these companies are selling. And doctors are taught in medical school to reach for a prescription pad before trying anything else.Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad to live in a time and place where modern medical treatments are available. But I feel that they are very overused. Many times your body will heal itself without antibiotics if you give it a chance.Darlenehttp://www.herbal-remedies-for-busy-moms...

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