Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why do you answer questions that I didn't ask?

I asked a question, and several of you answered questions that I didn't ask. Why can't you try and answer the questions that I asked. If you don't know, don't answer. You assume I eat junk food. You assume I haven't been to a doctor. You ignore the question about symptoms. I guess you just don't know any answers so you just say whatever pops into your mind. It's not helping.
Why don鈥檛 you tell me the symptoms you have and I will try and help you.
Stop asking questions then if you are not getting the answers you are looking for.
it might help if you asked a question that was clear and to the point. Mentioning things like what you have already done, is key to people understanding what you need. Getting answers that don't apply, is a result of questions not being clear enough.
If you have true concerns about your health, turning to a bunch of smart alec glory-hounds like the people on ByeDr.com is the wrong place to ask!
Ever heard the phrase "you get what you pay for"?Seems particularly applicable here.
The only thing I can assume from this question is that you are not being clear or specific enough to get the answers you are looking for!!
Most things in life are vague and open to interpretation.Even if you ask a question, someone may have input additional to what you're asking about that may help out even if you didn't originally ask about it. I think most people are trying to be helpful.If it's not appreciated, what's the harm in just being polite anyway?
What are your symptoms?

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