Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What's your view of non-traditional medicine? Are things such as hypnotherapy and acupuncture useful?

I'm wondering if they work for:A.) addictions
B.) anti-social behavior
C.) anxiety disorders. P.S. About the Pow-Wow question that I put a few weeks
ago---plz DISREGARD! It's far too goofy, ya know?
try bach flower remedies for behaviors, addictions and disorders.
I've seen both acupuncture and hypnotherapy work for addictions, such as nicotine addiction, and anxiety disorders, and they've been very successful. I've not come across someone using them for anti-social behaviour though.
I don't know.what work for me might not work for the others
New Sun has a great Natural Health Line; They carry everything; Addiction Plex is great to stop addictions of all kinds, and there are various medicines to help anxiety, and anti-social disorder. Check out the link below for more info.
yes they are in fact pranayams and asanas could be a great help
Every "alternative" therapy I have used has worked, but I used to never try it until I had spent years of time and money on traditional western medicine. I don't bother with going to "doctors" anymore. They don't understand the body. "Alternative" therapies have been around for centuries. Look at the so called history of "modern medicine." Whatever they are doing today, will be obsolete in another 20 years in a hundred years people will look back and think they were barbaric.

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