Wednesday, August 5, 2009

When should you avoid combining alternative and traditional medicines?

combining the two disciplines is the best of both worlds.i use a good diagnostician/medical doctor to figure out what is wrong and maybe get a second opinion from the alternative and treatment from either one or the other depending.lots of doctors have both trainings so one not knowing what the other is doing is eliminated.
this is a complimentary physican
When you don't let the both heath care professionals - traditional and alternative - know what medicine/supplement/treatments you might be on.
You could end up doubling up or even counter-acting the effects, possibly making you sicker.
If your doctors/health care professionals are willing to work together, you can have the best of both worlds.
if you are taking any kind of prescribed medications (by your doctor) always check with the doctor or the pharmacy before taking any "over-the-counter" medications as they may be contraindicated with the medication in your system...
There is no need to avoid them. I have found that conventional medicines work better when the patient is treated again by other alternative methods.
I am practicing acupressure. I have found that after my therapy the patient responds well to other medicines prescribed by their respective doctors.
Alternative medicines help.
you should take great care when combining the two. you should always ask a pharmacist for advice before taking them together, many combinations of herbal and traditional medicines can be dangerous to your health.

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