Saturday, August 8, 2009

Who else here is currently celebrating "420"?

I'm still name may say 'midnight' toker, but that's not the only time I have my fun.
What is "420"??
me me me me! high 5
here, here!
you bet. not tday considering i had school, but probably sometime over the weekend. 420 will be on a saurday next year though, so it's all good.
The recent events have taken the fun of this away for now.
checking in
hell yes.4/20 is the date which is smoke pot day
Wooooooooooooooo! Yeeeeauuh! I am totally celebrating 420! Im leaving now to go smoke it up! woooo have fun, and get HIGH!!
What's 420?? Explain what it is before you ask stupid questions GOD.retard..
LOL the guy above me's a tard. If you don't know then you don't need to know. I'd love to be celebrating 420 but I'm having to lay low for awhile.
Whatever it is, its making you ask stupid questions in the wrong category. Alternative Medicine has got nothing to do with 420(Whatever it may be). I guess you can ask it in MENTAL HEALTH ;o) would seem more appropriate there !Take Care and God Bless.
I celebrate it everyday ;) lol, happy tokin'!

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