Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What's the best way to marijuana?

What's the best way to smoke dope taking into count the following things-Getting you the most high
-Using the leastI'd have to say spots. Is there any other way to imitate spotting without using an oven?
Not to smoke dope is much better
don't smoke. vaporize.
okay i have had this same problem many times lol nto much but you wanna get ripped okay heres what you do to get you blazed off one hit and yes it works i do it all the time take one giant hit hodl it in for as long as you can tehn have a paper sack or bag near you breath it out into the bag then inhale the smoke when ready again from teh bag just keep doing that if too much smoke escapes jsut take another hit you know you could get high of like 1-3 or 4 hits not bad u know one bowl only thats what i do i hope this helps
In the opposite direction when will people learn anything which chemically alters you is damaging...
Seek help on getting a positive out of something which has no side effects ie ...an interesting hobby...helping others...WORKING ON YOUR SELF ESTEEM...people who need stimulants always suffer from this.
cobdenchick and REnate shut ur ******* face's! Your best way is to smoke like theomega76 said.
Hi there,Unfortunately it's difficult to say what will work for you considering everyone reacts to drugs differently (good drugs and bad ones) and there are so many variables that can contribute to a high on any particular day at any particular time. Also, there is the question of what you define as "being high". Even among friends I know who do like pot each have their own "preferred" stated of what they like to experience when high. Further, what one person may need to reach a certain point others may need more of less to be equally off. Then there is the problem of building up tolerances: if a person smokes regularily, you can build up tolerances requiring more and more to hit the high you are looking for. Regaring what you might want to try, water pipes ("bongs")give a strong hit and usually require less than if you were to roll one. Vaporizers are amazing (advertising claims that use can use 1/10 the amount you normally use already but they are expensive. Also, since you are using steam there is no smoke to inhale into the lungs so they are a safer, cleaner way to smoke and of course, vaporizers can be used for any herb. There are different models of vaporizers so you may want to look into the various types before making a decision. The only major draw back to bongs and vaporizers, besides the cost to initially purchase, is that they are not the most social form (joints can be easily shared anywhere; bongs are awkward to carry around and vaproizers require an electrical outlet to plug the machine into) unless you are entertaining at home.Cheers.

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