Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What's That Pain Killer Drug Name Starts with a Z?

I don't know of any painkiller that starts with a "Z." Perhaps you're thinking of "xanax." According to www.healthsquare.com, "Xanax is a tranquilizer used in the short-term relief of symptoms of anxiety or the treatment of anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorder is marked by unrealistic worry or excessive fears and concerns. Anxiety associated with depression is also responsive to Xanax."Xanax is pronounced "Zan-ex."
Xanax is what you are thinking of. It is not a pain med, it is an anxiety med, but people are abusing it all the time now for recreational purposes. It is addictive.From the Xanax website:
At doses greater than 4 mg per day, XANAX has the potential to cause severe emotional and physical dependence in some patients and these individuals may find it exceedingly difficult to terminate treatment. It is important that your physician help you discontinue this medication in a careful and safe manner to avoid overly extended use of XANAX. In addition, the extended use of XANAX at doses greater than 4 mg per day appears to increase the incidence and severity of withdrawal reactions when the drug is discontinued. These are generally minor but seizure can occur, especially if you reduce the dose too rapidly or discontinue the medication abruptly. Seizure can be life-threatening.
Are you thinking of Zanaflex ... the muscle relaxant?
Maybe Zanaflex
Zydon another name for vicoden

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